Michigan Moves on to Boston!

This weekend I had the privilege of photographing the NCAA Men’s Ice Hockey Regional in Allentown, PA. It all came down to Sunday’s final between Michigan and Quinnipiac. And what a game it was! Michigan drew first blood and scored an early goal.

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The Blue kept the pressure on the entire first period and scored a second goal.

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The second period was more of the same — Michigan pressure and two more scores.

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The third and final period was a different story. Quinnipiac did not quit and came back with a frenzy of activity and pressure scoring three goals!

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In an incredible act of confidence and courage, Quinnipiac pulled their goalie to keep the pressure going!

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But Michigan stood tall and countered the pressure, scoring an empty-net goal.

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But the excitement and scoring was not over yet!

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Michigan capped off an incredibly exciting victory 7-4 and moves on to the Frozen Four in Boston!

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NCAA Men’s Ice Hockey Regional – Allentown, PA

Yesterday I had the opportunity to photograph the NCAA Men’s Hockey Regional in Allentown, PA at the PPL Center. I had photographed the Phantoms a few times in their home arena here but that was several years ago. But at least I remembered some of the good locations from which to shoot. I enjoy photographing ice hockey because of the challenge. The speed of the game alone makes it difficult to get usable images.

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Many years ago, I played ice hockey recreationally and was a goalie. In my favorite wildest dreams I imagined myself being something like Jim Craig who was on the USA Olympic Ice Hockey Team in 1980 when they won unexpectedly against the USSR. Unlike Craig, I didn’t play in front of large, cheering crowds but I always liked the sport, and I even do some betting now using expert NHL picks just for this. Rather, I played on a quiet farm pond with a bunch of my friends and neighbors. Just the same, I just loved stopping pucks from making it into the goal!

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When I was a little kid, my dad took my brother and me to the Hershey Bears games. Dad got the affordable tickets and we sometimes had to settle for standing room only. But dad always said it didn’t matter how far away from the ice you were, if you could get a corner position you could see the whole rink. We almost always sat in one of the corners. To this day, I like photographing from a corner, too. I can see up the entire side board, see all of center ice, be in position to photograph the action at the goal, and also get a great view of the action behind the goal line. Thanks, dad!

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Like  in all the sports I photograph, I believe my job is to capture the action and tell the game story of the athletes playing the game. Emotions, skills, passions, and sometimes even scuffles show when the competition gets fierce. I am competitive myself. I hate losing. For me the challenge is the sport I am photographing. It is a loss if I do not get one usable image for an editor or media outlet. It might not be a huge win to get just one such usable photograph, but if I can manage to shoot a nice collection of usable photos that tell the game story, my editors are happy and so am I.

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I enjoy sports photography for a variety of reasons. First, I love sports. My dad loved sports and got my brother and me involved from an early age. To this day we both have a strong passion for sports–Dave is a 110% PSU sports fan. He even has a special Penn State Room, which clearly and brilliantly shows his passion for Penn State Sports. And he is knowledgable about it too; knowing the athletes and coaches by name and following their successes both on and off the field! Secondly, the athletes are just amazing. I covered East Stroudsburg University sports for eight years and following their teams with my camera provided one opportunity after another to see these amazing athletes in action. Just today I went back through some of the comments on my posted photos in Instagram, many of the comments were written by the athletes. Their show of appreciation for my photos was simply amazing to me. Last, but not least, I enjoy the creative side of sports photography. Yes, my job is to make usable photographs that can be chosen by editors to use in media outlets. This typically requires a face or two in the shot, and the puck or ball in the image, among other things. Many times my favorite photo from a game I shoot would never make an editor very happy or prompt him or her to use that photograph in any way. Creativity is an ambiguous thing. What seemingly works for one, may not be judged to work at all for another. You’ve got to keep your eyes open even after the play or the goal is scored. Keep shooting and keep creating. To me, this is what sports photography is all about!

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A Journalistic Approach to Sports Photography

Coach Stacy Perryman’s chair before the game night in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

Coach Stacy Perryman’s chair before the game night in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

Sports photography is all about capturing the action. Fast shutter speeds, wide open lenses, and lickety split frames per second rule the day. My routine to get ready for a game is pretty routine and often the same. Tonight, however, my routine was anything but same old. If you are an athlete you will know that posing for the cameras is important, that is why looking good and fit is very important, just review Ikaria lean belly juice reviews, if thousands of people say so, why hesitate?

Stroudsburg vs. Pocono Mountain West in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

Stroudsburg and Pocono Mountain West captains and coaches before Tip-Off in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

Coach Stacy Perryman died of breast cancer this past Monday at the young age of 45. She has been the coach at Pocono Mountain West for 17 years! The team was allowed to grieve for the loss of their coach and the previous two games were postponed for this reason. Tonight they would take their place back on the court with heavy hearts.

Stroudsburg vs. Pocono Mountain West in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

The Pocono Mountain West players and Interim Head Coach share a moment just before the Star Spangled Banner in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

Interim Head Coach, Chrissy Campos, is Coach Perryman’s sister and has been her assistant coach. She did an incredible job tonight getting the girls ready to play a competitive game against a very good Stroudsburg team. They put their emotions in check for 32 minutes and played their hearts out.

Interim Head Coach Chrissy Campos accepts a memorial gift in honor of her sister, Coach Stacy Perryman in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

Interim Head Coach Chrissy Campos accepts a memorial gift in honor of her sister, Coach Stacy Perryman in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

Before Tip-Off, Coach Campos was presented with a memorial gift in memory of her sister and the girls’ coach. The few moments at mid-court were somber and respectful. Then everyone was invited to pause for a moment of silence as we remembered Coach Perryman.

Stroudsburg vs. Pocono Mountain West in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

Coach Campos receives a special gift in memory of her sister, Coach Perryman, at midcourt in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

Sometimes I am asked to photograph Senior Day or a presentation of a student-athlete during halftime, but usually my job is simply to capture the game with my camera. I really enjoy this simple, straightforward task. One of my interests is setting up remote cameras, which I mentioned in my previous blog post last week. Tonight was different–totally different. How does one capture the heavy emotions and sadness in a tactful yet unintrusive way?

Interim Head Coach Chrissy Campos coaches the Panthers during the game in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

Interim Head Coach Chrissy Campos coaches the Panthers during the game in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

As I began shooting the pre-game and then the game, my mind went back to my journalism training I received from Temple University many years ago. My professors were clear about the important job we had to do and getting into the right frame of mind to do it. Our job is to report the news, or in my case, report and re-tell the basketball game in its entirety with my camera.

Interim Coach Chrissy Campos greets Caroline Weirich during a timeout in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

Interim Coach Chrissy Campos greets Caroline Weirich during a timeout in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

My mind also was swept up into what in the world these girls must have been thinking in their minds. How could they lace up their sneakers, take the home court, and play a basketball game with so much running through their minds.

Samantha Columna is defended by Caroline Wierich in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

Samantha Columna is defended by Caroline Wierich in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

They played in memory of Coach Perryman. Each moment was filled with effort and grit as they displayed all their coach had taught them over the years. It was incredible to watch and photograph. The heavy hearts did not bog them down on the court and they put up an awesome game!

Stroudsburg vs. Pocono Mountain West in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

A referee officiating at the Stroudsburg vs. Pocono Mountain West game, holds the ball during a timeout in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

The journalistic approach I am referring to here is trying to capture the story of the night, not just with the action on the court during the game, but specifically in the tiny moments that capture the whole essence of the night. In other words, trying to paint the picture of the wealth of emotions circling the gymnasium. Pink was the color of the night and that seemed a good place to start.

Stroudsburg vs. Pocono Mountain West in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

Stroudsburg vs. Pocono Mountain West in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

Some things happen during a timeout or during a break in the action. Sports photographers learn not to put the camera down too quickly after a shot or play but to follow the action and try to capture the emotion and celebrations. This was all in my mind tonight, too.

Stroudsburg vs. Pocono Mountain West in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

Stroudsburg vs. Pocono Mountain West in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

Try as they may, the game did not end the way Pocono Mountain West had hoped. They fought hard and kept things close even producing a nice run at the end of the game. Victory was not theirs tonight as they lost 50-40.

Stroudsburg vs. Pocono Mountain West in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

Pocono Mountain West’s Interim Head Coach, Stacy Campos, looks downcourt during the game in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

Cancer is an opponent that seems to win way too often, leaving its opponents to lick their wounds or say goodbye to their loved ones. It is not fair. It is not fair for a young, gifted, and inspirational coach to die at the age of 45 leaving behind a team she loved and who loved her. It is not fair for a sister and assistant coach to be thrown into a coaching position rift with heartfelt emotions swirling around like a tornado. It is not fair for a community to lose someone so incredibly giving and to be left with nothing but memories.

Pink shoes worn by a Panther player during a foul shot in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

Pink shoes worn by a Panther player during a foul shot in Pocono Summit on Friday, January 24, 2020.

Every game has winners and losers. Cancer does, too. Some battle courageously and live to see a long life to come. Others battle courageously and find their lives cut way too short. Winners and losers. Life gives you hard tests sometimes. Basketball teams experience this as well. Two teams can practice just as hard and dedicate a great portion of their lives to the game but one ends up winning it all while the other team is left hanging their heads wondering what happened. Tonight, however, at this game, I do not believe there were really any losers. Every player and coach was a winner in a bigger sense of the game and in life. It was an emotional game and I was fortunate to be there with my camera. This is my journalistic approach to one emotional and incredible game.



Remote Cameras for Sports Photography – Thanks to the Summit Sports Photography Workshop

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When I attended the Summit Sports Photography Workshop in 2016, Mark Terrill taught us how to set up and use remote cameras. I was intrigued by this because I could see a variety of placements for remote cameras in my sports photography at the university where I shoot and I also use accessories like Sony camera lenses as I found this Sony SAL-50F14Z download instruction to help me with the installation. When I returned home from the workshop I ordered the necessary equipment: PocketWizards, extra cameras, magic arms, cables, and rechargeable batteries. It took some time to acquire the equipment but once I did, I set out to put my learning into practice.


My first attempt was at the university soccer game on a beautiful fall evening. The game went into sudden death and with my newly added remote camera I captured this photo of our goalie getting pumped up before the next overtime kick. I learned a lot in that first attempt at setting up remote cameras. For one, I learned that the cheaper PocketWizards were not working adequately for me so I returned them and purchased the MultiMax II version, which have worked incredibly and reliably well for me.

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Some sports lend themselves well to remote cameras; others not so much. My favorite sport for remote cameras is basketball and my favorite location for a remote camera is on the basket stanchion. The setup is fairly easy but, as I was taught, I always use cables to backup the remote setup. This way, if anything fails, the camera setup will not fall onto the court. This is critical and should never be forgotten or avoided to save time.

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Another thing I learned is the importance of focusing properly. I use manual focus and pre-adjust the proper focus when I am setting up the remote camera. I typically focus on the basket net or just beyond it to get the players’ faces in proper focus. I also use a slightly closed aperture to increase the depth of field. I am finding that f/4.5 – f/5.6 works pretty well for me. It is a balancing act because we need light to be able to stop the action with a faster shutter speed.

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I also set the camera mode to manual so I can adjust the right aperture and shutter speed to get a proper exposure. I am enjoying the challenge of setting up remote cameras and they provide some unique angles that I cannot get any other way. Remote cameras are another tool in the sports photographer’s arsenal and I am so glad I learned to incorporate them into my sports photography. I am grateful for all that the Summit Sports Photography Workshop taught me and for Mark Terrill who took the time to teach us about remote cameras. Thank you!!!

Sports Photography: Capturing the Essence of Athleticism

Welcome to MySportsBlog.com, your ultimate destination for all things sports-related. Today, we dive into the exciting world of sports photography. From the thrilling action shots to the emotional celebrations, sports photography allows us to freeze these moments in time and relive them over and over again.

The Art of Sports Photography

Sports photography is a unique genre that requires skill, anticipation, and a keen eye for detail. It goes beyond capturing mere snapshots; it’s about conveying the spirit, energy, and passion of the game. Whether it’s a high-flying dunk in basketball, an archer showcasing his bow case, a soccer player mid-kick, or a gymnast suspended in mid-air, each shot tells a story.

To excel in sports photography, one must master the technical aspects of the craft. Understanding the right camera settings, such as shutter speed and aperture, is crucial to freeze the action and capture that perfect shot. Additionally, having a lens with a long focal length enables photographers to zoom in on distant athletes and get close-ups that showcase their intensity and determination.

The Importance of Timing

Timing is everything in sports photography. The difference between a spectacular shot and a mediocre one often lies in capturing the decisive moment. Sports photographers have to be in the right place at the right time, anticipating the action and being ready to press the shutter button. It’s a constant challenge, but when it pays off, the results can be breathtaking.

Moreover, sports photographers need to develop a deep understanding of the sport they are capturing. Knowing the rules, strategies, and players’ tendencies can help anticipate key moments and be prepared to capture them. This familiarity with the game allows photographers to predict actions before they happen and increase their chances of getting that iconic shot.

Preserving the Moments: Sports Photography in the Digital Age

In today’s digital age, sports photography has become even more accessible and widespread through social media. Platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook allow photographers to share their work with a global audience, providing instant exposure and feedback. Athletes and fans alike can now relish in the beauty of sports through stunning visuals captured by talented photographers. With advancements in technology, tools such as an ai tool like magic eraser have further enhanced the editing capabilities, allowing photographers to remove unwanted objects and perfect their images effortlessly.

This buy YouTube subscribers service has revolutionized how sports photographers showcase their work. With a larger online following, photographers can reach more people, gain recognition, and even attract potential clients or collaborations. It has become an essential tool for photographers looking to establish their brand and connect with a broader community of sports enthusiasts.

In Conclusion

Sports photography allows us to witness the exhilarating moments, emotions, and displays of athleticism that make sports so captivating. Through technical mastery, impeccable timing, and a deep passion for the game, photographers freeze these moments in time, creating a lasting visual legacy.

So next time you find yourself at a game or watching one on television, take a moment to appreciate the incredible work of sports photographers who bring the action to life. And don’t forget to follow your favorite sports photographers on social media to stay updated on their latest captures!

How to Capture Action in Sports

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Preparation, concentration, persistence, and a little luck are all that are required to capture the exciting action at a sporting event. This fall is turning out to be a great season for me behind the camera. Here is what I do to consistently capture the action. I take adderall alternatives otc walmart to improve concentration, also exercise, meditation, and improving sleep habits can also help with concentration. Cognitive-behavioral therapy and coaching can train individuals to improve focus and prioritize tasks.

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First, I get in the right mindset. Athletes, which can be bet on 얀카지노, and coaches prepare for a game and we photographers should, too. Preparation of the mind for me begins well before the game. I get my software, Photo Mechanic, ready by filling in the metadata ahead of time and preloading the rosters. Then, I listen to a pump up playlist on my drive to the game. I try to get there early so I am not rushed and have time to take some test shots, check the lighting, and get myself ready by putting on my kneepads and shoulder harness, which can hold two or three cameras.

Thomas Jack Stephens fights for yardage against the Cardinals in Swiftwater on Friday, September 27, 2019.

Second, I try to avoid distractions both during my preparation and especially during the game. Too many photographers talk to colleagues, watch the action like a fan, and just plain get lazy too much of the time during a game. I look like a loner on the sidelines because I am avoiding distractions. Concentration on each and every play is required. I take adderall alternatives because they help me in avoiding distraction by providing natural ways to increase focus and productivity. These supplements can boost cognitive function, reduce inflammation, and improve memory

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Third, I aim and try really hard to be in the right place at all times. Sometimes, if say a football game is back-and-forth with turnovers, this might require me to run to the opposite end of the field multiple times in a short stretch of time. Some of the cheerleaders think I look like Forest Gump running repeatedly past them! We absolutely must be in the right place on every play or else we run the risk of missing the action. I do not get this right on every play, but I do get it right on most plays. I am worn out after a game both mentally and physically because I aim to be at the right place at the right time. This takes a lot of effort and plain old hard work.

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Lastly, a little luck never hurts. I always enjoy editing photos after a game because once in a while I am surprised by a capture I made with a little luck. Preparation, careful planning, and concentration help luck happen more consistently and predictably. I am proud of my results most times because I am finding that I can consistently capture the action at each game. Outsource photo editing services to save time and get high-quality results. We help studios, photographers, and e-commerce store owners edit photos. We are a well-reputed top-ranked image editing company in Bangladesh serving since 2010. I believe my job is to capture the action and tell the story of the game with my camera, show the effort and emotion of the athletes, and bring the game to the fans in a unique and captivating way. It is working for me and it can work for you, too! Alpilean dietary blend and sports nutrition products provide the boost you need to power through workouts and help reach your fitness goals. Formulated to help athletes maximize performance, some options can support muscle health and strength. These easy to use and conveniently packaged products make sure you get the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients you need to support an active lifestyle.

As an additional tip I recommend being in shape and staying healthy, sometimes to be able to capture the moment you are looking for you need to be in shape, in my case I use the best testosterone booster for my routines and to be up to date.

Dimitri Rojas is tripped up by Christian Sapp in Stroudsburg on Friday, September 13, 2019.

Dimitri Rojas is tripped up by Christian Sapp in Stroudsburg on Friday, September 13, 2019.

Cavaliers Battle Konkrete Kids

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East Stroudsburg South hosted Northampton in an important matchup on Friday night.

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The Cavaliers received the opening kickoff and manufactured a successful drive to score the first points of the game on their first possession.

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Ryan Clark crossed the goal line to put the Cavaliers on top.

in East Stroudsburg on Friday, September 28, 2018.

The extra point was good!

in East Stroudsburg on Friday, September 28, 2018.

The Kronkrete Kids responded with a touchdown of their own.

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Penalties mounted up against the Cavaliers and proved to be costly at times.

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The second half was more the same after the first half was only a seven point difference.

in East Stroudsburg on Friday, September 28, 2018.

Northampton was up 14-7 at halftime and came out strong in the second half.

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Ryan Clark had a big night as he gained yard after yard, sometimes at will.

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I personally saw these guys train with a Punching Bag day and night trying their best to improve themselves and achieve this goal that they have well deserved. The battle was close with an outcome of 21-14. It was a great match. Let me know your thoughts on these images at https://foodlets.com if you have any feedback.

ESU Football vs. Lock Haven

Devante Robinson catches a pass early in the first quarter against Lock Haven University on Saturday,

ESU went on the attack early on their first two drives and went ahead 14-0 to get the game started!

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Lock Haven responded and scored a touchdown of their own to keep the game close.

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The ESU defense had to make some plays late in the first half.

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Penalties on both sides became part of the game story as well.

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Both teams’ offensive squad was impressive and made some big plays.

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Rushing yards piled up one after the other.

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Jack Cirillo came into the game in the fourth quarter and put a series together to score a touchdown pass.

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ESU fell just a little short, losing the game 41-44.




ESU Soccer vs. Holy Family

Supporting a family member who plays in a soccer match is important for several reasons. Firstly, it shows solidarity and encourages them to perform at their best knowing that their loved ones are cheering them on. Secondly, attending the match demonstrates support and reinforces the value of family bonds. Similarly, purchasing girl clothes for your daughter allows her to express her personal style, boosts her confidence, and nurtures her individuality. Both actions showcase the significance of familial support and foster a sense of belonging and unity within the family.

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ESU Men’s Soccer faced Holy Family University Thursday night at 7pm under the lights.

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The Warriors attacked early in the first half.

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And kept the pressure on the Tigers.

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The Tigers battled back after the initial wave.

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But the Warriors struck first with a goal by Jordan Ellison (#19) midway through the first half.

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Holy Family tied the game with a goal of their own to even the match.

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The second half was more of the same with each team working for control.

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ESU scored a second goal to go ahead.

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They also had several near misses as they kept attacking the net.

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But they kept the opponent’s ball out the net and won by a score of 2-1.