Do you remember the magician in Frosty the Snowman? He used that line, “Busy, busy, busy!” He always seemed to have alternative motives, too. Anyway, it is getting to be that time of year again! Busy, busy, busy!
I have been busy. In the past two days I was behind the camera for three different shoots. I’ve been shooting so many photos in fact that I haven’t had any time to post or display many of them. I will over the next few days and I’m certainly not complaining because where is there a better place than behind the viewfinder?
Tonight my daughter and I attended a Christmas Concert by Tara Lynn. She is an incredible singer and entertainer. She had us all singing Christmas carols and getting us in the Christmas mood. Her boyfriend, Jeff, is an incredible guitar player, too! They make a great team and it was an awesome concert!
I had the privilege of being the photographer for the evening, with the task of trying to capture the concert with my digital sensor. This was not an easy task in a dark church without much stage lighting. I hope to post some of these photos tomorrow so you can judge for yourself how I did with this. It sure was fun!
Okay, I confess, I like being busy, busy, busy!