New Pennsylvania Elk Photography Experience Announced

Ready for an unforgettable photo experience? Join us for a photo trip to photograph the Pennsylvania elk! We just announced the upcoming fall trip: October 1-4, 2018. For more details and to sign up go to:

PEPE#7 2528 PEPE#7 1020 PEPE#7 2541 PEPE#7 1774

Sunlit Cow Elk

On a recent photo excursion to Elk County, Pennsylvania to photograph the elk, I captured an interesting photo of a cow. The setting sun was behind this cow so a silhouette was in my thinking. However, the warm sun rays provided enough light to illuminate the visible breath coming out of this elk’s mouth. It was a chilly evening and the condensation of this cow’s breath was visible in the light.

When I returned home, I knew I wanted to use this photograph if at all possible. But the problems were many-fold. There was some nasty sun glare from the sunlight hitting the lens. I thought maybe I could do a little touch-up in Photoshop and was hoping to be able to salvage this photograph in some usable form. I am not sure I succeeded quite yet. However, I thought I would share both a before photo and an after photo to let you see what I’ve accomplished so far. I still have a ways to go.

Do you think this photograph is usable or am I wasting my time?




Changing Colors

Have you seen any deer lately?

Their shiny summer coats are giving way to a much darker color. I saw several deer today but did not have my camera with me. One doe in particular was getting much darker and you could see the change taking place right there on her back. It was amazing. The cooler weather signals the approaching fall season. The leaves will eventually change colors, too.

There is still some time before fall arrives, but it is coming. The elk rut should begin in a little over 10 days. Then all chaos will break loose. Bulls will be heard bugling and antlers will start clashing. It is the best time of year in my opinion. And part of the reason is the changing colors.