What a Week!

There is no place like the mountains, especially when the rut is in! I love Elk County, Pennsylvania and just spent the last week there. It was nothing short of awesome!

Unfortunately, we had quite a bit of rain which tried to put a damper on things, but it didn’t work. Being with friends and fellow photographers and photographing the elk even in the rain made the week an exciting experience. I  had a blast and cannot wait to be back on the elk range again.

My friend and photographer, Dick McCreight, and I led our fifth Pennsylvania Elk Photography Experience and we sure saw a lot of elk throughout the week. Even when it did rain we still saw elk. In fact, they seemed much less bothered by the precipitation than we did. I find it amazing how well these beautiful creatures weather the storms literally! God made them special to be sure!

Here is one photograph of a bull elk standing the rain. It is a close-up shot of his face and antlers. You can see how wet he is from the rain but he was not bothered by it in the least. It all reminds me that many of us complain and complain to no avail. Life is what we make it. These elk live each day in both sunshine and rain, and so should we! Let it rain because it sure doesn’t seem to bother the elk!

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