Photo Tips on Twitter

Do you Tweet?

Twitter is one of the relatively newer social mediums out there. I will admit that I was a little slow to get up to speed with Twitter, but now I love it! Twitter allows you to “follow” other people and see what they are sharing about their life, their company, and their interests.

So I decided to share some photo tips on my Twitter page. Each day I share a new photo tip and those who follow me on Twitter can read the photo tip of the day. Of course, they can also go back through all the formerly posted tips as well.

To follow me on Twitter you need  to set up an account, which is free. Then you can join in this social medium by following others and sharing your own Tweets. Go to for more information.

One of the cool things that I did was redesign my Twitter page to feature my own photographs instead of having the basic, boring backgrounds that come standard on the Twitter design.

It’s a fun way to keep up with people and learn at the same time. I hope you will consider following me on Twitter. My account is

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