My Photography Book

I wrote a photo book with the title, “How I Photograph the Pennsylvania Elk.”

This was actually a labor of love because I have a real passion for the elk of Pennsylvania. I’ve been spending time each year with these amazing mammals every year since 1990. And after all these years I still cannot get enough of them! Their habits and tendencies are both somewhat predictable and sometimes surprising. I enjoy spending time with the elk of PA in all four seasons. The backdrops of all these seasons are incredibly photogenic, but then the majestic animals have their own camera appeal, too!

In my book, I share how I photograph the Pennsylvania elk. I make it clear in the beginning that I do not  believe my way is the only way or even the best way; it is what works for me. I show photographs along the way to illustrate both what I am sharing on the printed pages and also to show the majesty of the beautiful animals. I do describe basic photography equipment considerations and techniques, so this book is helpful to anyone who is either starting out in photography or wants to delve deeper into the wonderful world of wildlife photography.

You can see the first 7 pages here. My book is also available for sale at the Elk Country Visitor Center in Benezette, PA.


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