I remember when I was a little boy. My dad and I would go on long walks behind our house in the fields and woods. It was difficult for me to keep up with dad. His legs were longer and he was stronger. My little legs worked okay but just couldn’t keep up. My lagging behind might also have been attributed to any number of distractions that sidetracked me, too!
Keeping up with one photo shoot after another is not always easy. Good intentions are not enough. Part of the problem is time. You get back from a photo shoot and are tired and hungry. You need a break, so you put your equipment in its place, kick up your feet, and relax. Or you get a bite to eat, start talking with your family, and completely forget about the flash cards that need uploaded.
Two days ago I had to upload several flash cards that were well overdue for attention. It turned out that I did upload about half the batch, but it was a pain to take the time to go through them to double-check and upload the previously forgotten cards.
Getting into a routine is the best approach. It is similar to how we actually approach a photo shoot. Before we leave the house we go through a checklist to make sure we have everything. Then, on a photo shoot, we again step through a well-planned routine to help us capture the right moments. So why do we get so lax at the back-end of a shoot?
Prudence is the key for a successful photographer. Don’t be lazy. Do it now or you going to have to do it later, and it will be more difficult and take more time.
Keeping up isn’t always easy, but it is important! Just ask my dad!
It is hard to keep up, Bob. I think I could do it to a certain extent if I shot only photos or only video, but the two together is almost too much.
I just got back from Benezette Friday afternoon. I picked up your book at the Visitor Center. Thanks so much for mentioning Brad, Buckwheat, and I in the introduction and recommending our blogs. It is appreciated more than words can express. I really enjoyed the book and agree with the photo tips you wrote about.
Hi Willard!
Thank you very much for buying my book. It was inspired by my love for the Pennsylvania elk and the great photo colleagues like you I have the pleasure of being with up on the elk range. It is a passion that certainly extends beyond mere words and our photo fraternity is very special.
I cannot imagine how you keep up with doing both photography and videography. That is incredible to me! Please keep up your efforts because you do great work and many of us certainly enjoy not only your creative artistic skills but also your writing abilities. Thanks so much for your hard work!