Always Learning

I was not a very good student in high school. Things got a little better for me when I attended Temple University, and by the time I got to grad school I was a much better student. Since then I have always tried to keep learning. The old saying is surely true, “You learn something new every day.”

In the world of photography I find it necessary to learn something new because there is so much to learn. And learning is fun, too!

I have an iPod which allows me to listen to a number of photography-related podcasts. They are informative, teach me some new lessons, and are fun to listen to while I am driving.

Here is a list of some of the photography podcasts I listen to frequently:

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Killer Tips
Camera Dojo: Digital Photography Enthusiasts
D-Town TV
Digital Photography Life
Lightroom for Digital Photographers
The Image Doctors
This Week in Photography

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