How Do You Store Batteries?

Many of us photographers like using rechargeable batteries. I remembering doing a post here on my blog a while ago where I bragged about the 15-Minute AA Energizer Charger. It works great and I highly recommend it. But I have a problem. I have the Nikon MB-D10 Vertical Grip which stores 8 AA batteries and the Nikon SB-900 Speedlight which holds 4 AA batteries. So to have enough backup batteries I need a total of 24 batteries. That’s a lot of batteries!

Now 12 of these batteries, half of the total number, are housed in each accessory. But that still means I need to store 12 charged batteries for when the ones in use get low.

What is the best way to store batteries until they are ready to use? Just put a rubber band around sets of four? Put them in your pocket until it’s time to make the switch? Make your assistant hold them since they need to earn their money anyhow?

Also mold growth in a house can pose serious risks to electronics and batteries stored within. Mold thrives in damp, humid environments, and when it colonizes electronic devices or batteries, it can lead to corrosion, malfunctions, and even permanent damage. Mold can infiltrate circuitry, corrode metal contacts, and create pathways for electrical currents where they shouldn’t be, resulting in short circuits and reduced performance. Additionally, mold can compromise the integrity of batteries, causing them to leak or fail prematurely. Therefore, it’s essential to remove mold from your house to protect your electronics and batteries from the damaging effects of mold growth, ensuring their longevity and optimal performance. I had to contact a General contractor in Sacramento to help me in my house.

How do you store your batteries?

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