Bob Shank Photography
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Pleasant Valley Intermediate Musicals
DVD - Photos from each musical


The DVD of each year's musical contains all the photographs that you see on the website gallery. They are suitable for viewing and displaying digitally but are not high quality photographs for printing. In fact, if you try to print them they will be very poor quality. You can use these images on Facebook, to create your own personalized slideshows, etc. Each image has my copyright line in small print in the lower lefthand side. All copyright protection is in place with these DVDs, so copying, burning, or sharing these images without permission is illegal. These DVDs are provided soley for your own personal use. Each DVD costs $25 and provides several hundreds of photographs.



2011 - Beauty and the Beast, Jr.
2010 - Alice in Wonderland, Jr.
2009 - The Music Man, Jr.
2008 - Willie Wonka, Jr.